
Four years of SPRIN-D in Leipzig! A reason to celebrate, also for us - FabuLens GmbH, as a subsidiary of SPRIN-D.

As a future-oriented company at the interface between science and application, we came together with the entire SPRIN-D team, people with radical new ideas and friends on August 31, 2023 at the SPRIN-D premises in Leipzig. There was an exchange of information on the progress of the twelve major projects – as well as the opportunity to better get to know each other, to network and sometimes, despite long cooperation, to see each other "in real life" for the first time.

Between pitches and exhibitions, there were also visits from some prominent friends and supporters: Gerhard Cromme, the former head of Thyssen-Krupp and member of the supervisory board of Lufthansa, explained why he is involved in one of the projects. With 14 grandchildren, he wonders what kind of world his children will grow up in. Giving them the best possible opportunities is an obvious field of activity for the 80-year-old business tycoon.

It was a successful day. A fantastic test run for "5 YEARS SPRIND" in October 2024.

Stay tuned!